
MacWorld News

Apple TV and iPhone both gain YouTube access(2007/06/20 14:15)

  • iPhone、AppleTV同様YouTubeを利用するできるように」

Analyst: iPhone success not a certainty(2007/06/19 21:42)

Cult Of Mac(Wired)

Boulevard of Broken iPods(2007/06/15 06:46)
iPhone in the Wild Spotted On My Commuter Rail(2007/06/15 06:42)
Joy of Tech: How Steve Lost His Mojo(2007/06/15 06:24)

Python CheeseShop

leo 4.4.3preview10(2007/06/20 05:03)
wammu 0.21(2007/06/20 03:03)
Pyphant-Statistics 0.1(2007/06/20 02:22)
Genshi 0.4.2(2007/06/20 02:03)
Babel 0.8(2007/06/20 01:41)
xmlfetch 1.5(2007/06/20 01:13)
tgcrud 1.0(2007/06/20 00:26)
plone.recipe.deliverance 1.0b3(2007/06/19 13:58)
SymPy 0.4.1(2007/06/19 13:25)
plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver 0.2(2007/06/19 11:26)
plone.recipe.zope2instance 0.4(2007/06/19 11:25)
python-gettext 0.1(2007/06/19 11:25)
z3c.rml 0.7(2007/06/19 10:10)
processing 0.31(2007/06/19 08:09)
CabochonServer 0.1dev-r6418(2007/06/19 08:00)
CabochonClient 0.1(2007/06/19 07:15)
libprs500 0.3.54(2007/06/19 07:11)
pysqlite 2.3.4(2007/06/19 05:34)

  • sqliteは最近組み込んでるソフトが増えてますねー

zc.buildout 1.0.0b26(2007/06/19 05:02)
pyannodex 12:25)